SDK Reference

setTheme Method

This method is used to customize the theme of the Okto Wallet Bottomsheet.


  • textPrimaryColor (optional) - Text primary color of the theme.
  • textSecondaryColor (optional) - Text secondary color of the theme.
  • textTertiaryColor (optional) - Text tertiary color of the theme.
  • accentColor (optional) - Accent color of the theme.
  • accent2Color (optional) - Accent2 color of the theme.
  • strokBorderColor (optional) - Stroke border color of the theme.
  • strokDividerColor (optional) - Stroke divider color of the theme.
  • surfaceColor (optional) - Surface color of the theme.
  • backgroundColor (optional) - Background color of the theme.
        textPrimaryColor: string, 
        textSecondaryColor: string, 
        textTertiaryColor: string, 
        accentColor: string, 
        accent2Color: string, 
        strokBorderColor: string, 
        strokDividerColor: string, 
        surfaceColor: string, 
        backgroundColor: string
) => void;


import { useOkto, type OktoContextType} from 'okto-sdk-react';
const { setTheme, getTheme } = useOkto() as OktoContextType;
  textPrimaryColor: '0xFFFFFFFF',
  textSecondaryColor: '0xFFFFFFFF',
  textTertiaryColor: '0xFFFFFFFF',
  accentColor: '0x80433454',
  accent2Color: '0x80905BF5',
  strokBorderColor: '0xFFACACAB',
  strokDividerColor: '0x4DA8A8A8',
  surfaceColor: '0xFF1F0A2F',
  backgroundColor: '0xFF000000',